+282.35% of conversions with Klaviyo: the case study

A cutting-edge Swiss company in the field of cycling innovation faced the challenge of enhancing its email marketing strategies. Founded in 2011 by an engineer with extensive experience in the Formula 1 world, the company quickly established its position in the market with high-quality products and impeccable attention to innovation.

In this article, we will explore how it tackled the challenge of enhancing its email marketing strategies and discover how Klaviyo was instrumental in reaching a wider audience, particularly amateur road cyclists, by creating targeted and personalized campaigns that led to significant conversion results.

The challenge

With the aim of reaching a broader audience, particularly amateur road cyclists, the company sought to optimize its email marketing strategies through the Klaviyo e-commerce platform

The goal was clear: to leverage Klaviyo's features to create targeted and personalized campaigns that effectively engage and convert customers.

Our approach

We adopted a strategic and targeted approach, initiating an in-depth analysis of the target audience and their purchasing behaviors. This phase allowed us to fully understand the needs and preferences of road cyclists, enabling us to adapt our email marketing strategies accordingly.

Subsequently, we implemented a series of strategies through Klaviyo, creating highly personalized campaigns and utilizing automated email flows to intercept potential customers at various stages of the purchasing process. Additionally, we leveraged Klaviyo's segmentation capabilities to send targeted content and offers that reflected the specific interests of our audience.

The Implementations

Through promotional pop-ups and product view emails, we effectively captured the attention of our customers and guided them towards significant conversions.

The use of persuasive copy and special offers helped increase the impact of our campaigns, ensuring active engagement with the brand and a significant increase in conversions.

The Results

Thanks to our Klaviyo-optimized email marketing strategy, we achieved exceptional results:

a 72.76% open rate and an 8.99% click-through rate demonstrate the effectiveness of our campaigns in engaging with the target audience.

Furthermore, comparing conversions between the first quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2023, we observed an increase of over 999%, confirming Klaviyo's significant contribution to success.

Here is what happened, looking at the detailed activation report:


The implementation of Klaviyo represented a significant breakthrough for our email marketing strategy.

Through targeted and personalized campaigns, we actively engaged the audience and generated conversions effectively. Looking to the future, we will continue to leverage its capabilities to maintain high engagement standards and consolidate the brand's presence.

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