Growing on YouTube: everything you should know

Even from here we can feel how amazing you are and how great your business is. That’s why we thought that it is more than fair that we worked on putting together the best tips for you to grow your YouTube channel and make sure that as many people as possible get to discover all the amazing content that you have to share with the world.

When it comes to YouTube, it is normal that you try your best on finding the most creative part of you to develop the most original content. You want your followers to be charmed by all your talent and that unique way that you have to communicate your message to them. So we understand that you have spent all those hours thinking how to exploit your creativity to create your content.

For this reason, we thought that you deserved us to do some research and find the best strategies for you to grow your YouTube channel. We don’t want anyone to miss your content, so here we go!

Let’s start from nailing your Keywords

Defining the right keywords for your content can significantly improve the performance of your video. And here it’s what we learnt about how to do so:

  • List your “seed keywords”: find the terms used to describe broad topics of your field and use them to create videos about it. Don’t think of them for ranking your videos because they’re too competitive, but as topics for your content to be about. 
  • “Seed keywords and YouTube search: once you know your “seed keywords” it’s time to do some research in the YouTube search bar. Type them and discover the suggested long tail keywords where you could potentially compete. 
  • Find the low-competition keywords: include on your videos those keywords with tones of searches and very few videos available to become the star. Rely on your imagination to include such keywords in a way that people would click on your video before any other.  

Smash the "watch time"

Now that you know your “seed keywords” to create your video’s topic and the low-competition keywords to help your visibility; it’s time to think of creating videos optimised for “Watch Time”.

We can’t forget that the main goal of YouTube is to keep people using the platform as much time as possible. For this reason, the YouTube algorithm pays extreme attention to “Watch Time”. - In case you still don’t know what “watch time” is; it is the total time spent watching a YouTube video since it went live. And, the more time people spend watching your video, the more views it will get. So to smash it:

  • Keep 10 mins duration as your length goal: long videos perform way better than short ones. It’s simple maths! The longer the video, the more total “watch time” that you will get. Make sure that you reach a length over 10 mins to be safe. 
  • Create concise INTROS: the very first 15 seconds of your video will help you to keep your audience or push them to click another video. Don’t invest too much time on the context of your topic and jump straight to the point. You know what they want to watch and they want to watch it now. 
  • Include some “pattern interrupts” in your videos: boost your audience retention by avoiding static videos with plain content exposition. Find a way to make your content visually rich and entertaining, including anything that can help you break up the general pattern of your video. 
  • Plan your videos in advance: in video making as in life, a good organisation will help you avoid distractions and detours.

360 degrees video optimisation

It’s time to take the steps that you need to optimise your videos all the way. 

  • Title optimisation: including a keyword in your title will help your ranking a little bit. However, that’s not all!
  • Maximise CTR by your titles: YouTube uses click-through rate as a ranking signal. In other words, the more people click on your videos, the more YouTube will promote it. You will have to include titles that have a clear benefit for the audience while avoiding clickbait. 
  • SEO friendly descriptions: YouTube officially recommends long descriptions on your videos. Up to one to two paragraphs to be precise. 
  • Video tags optimisation: include your target keyword and close variations. Then, describe your video’s topic using words which are not part of your main keywords. Add 1 or 2 tags that represent your high-level industry or vertical. 

Time to create thumbnails that stand out from the crowd

  • Smart colour implementation: simply use lots of contrast in your colours implementation.
  • Make yourself flashy: use colours that stand out on YouTube. In other words, avoid Youtube branding colours (red, black and white). 

Create and promote optimised playlists

  • “Session time” is a big ally to grow: your playlists will help you to increase your “session time” (the amount of time that people spend on YouTube after watching your video). And the “session time” is one of the big factors for your channel to grow within the platform. 

Promotion of your videos

  • Promote your videos to your audience: rely on your other social platforms and email subscribers to tease about your video and promote it. You can show short clips of your video in other channels to drive your audience to YouTube. 

Turn viewers into subscribers

  • Time to take out all your charm: probably this is one of the biggest challenges to grow your YouTube channel. Many people can watch and love your videos but don’t feel the need to subscribe. A tip to push a little bit for subscriptions is to add a subscribe button to your end screen. 

Time to think of Google Search too

  • Rank videos on Google Search: The best way to rank your videos on Google search is to target keywords that already have a video section in the SERPs (search engine results pages). 

Extra Tips and Final Notes

YouTube has recently incorporated a story feature intending to make your interaction easier with your community.  Give it a try to push for your channel’s visibility and you won’t regret it.

Remember that YouTube is a platform that makes money from time that people spend using it. The more time that people spend watching your videos, the more that YouTube will help your visibility and therefore, your growth.

All creative and technical effort to catch the audience on your videos will have its reward. 

Understand your relationship with youtube as a mutual agreement, the more you grow, the more they grow, so never leave the interests of this platform aside.


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