Organic Lead Generation to face a Cookieless Policy

Today many companies are in a race against the clock to leverage the possible effects that the new cookieless policy will have on their digital marketing strategy. We understand that there is some panic in the industry, as we are forced to make a new mindset change in order to develop strategies that bring us closer to consumers. 

Because we must prepare for a landscape yet to be explored, the safest bet we can invite you to make is to go back to the basics of old school marketing and evolve from there in harmony with the new rules for digital marketing.

A good start and a safe bet is to resume organic lead generation as a great ally of your brand. In this article we bring you a compilation of aspects to consider so you can get to it as soon as possible.

When it comes to new challenges, it is best to take them with a pinch of salt and trust in our abilities.

The importance and benefits of quality content

There is nothing better than producing high quality content to get closer to your loyal consumers and reach new ones. 

The relevance and eloquence of everything you have to say, not only about your product but about your field, can make all the difference to your ripple effect. 

If you want to get the benefits of content creation, make sure that you’re not producing content just thinking of SEO and the rest of the metrics. By writing your content for your audience and providing texts that your consumers will find useful and engaging, your brand will be able to confront the algorithms. 

We are not questioning the importance of SEO optimisation of your content, but it is crucial to understand that the priority must be to develop content that is based on the interests and needs of consumers and to start from that base to carry out SEO optimisation–not the other way around!

A little brainstorming for your content development

  • Detailed product demonstrations: provide your readers with further details about your product or service. They may want to know more about your brand before consuming and/or recommend to others. It is impossible to say everything that you could say about a product within a package. Dropping more ideas about features, usability, etc can boost the interest for your brand and the willingness to remain in touch with your company.
  • Testimonies about how your product or service has helped others before: a great way to create a community among your brand is to expose what other customers have to say about you. Testimonies can be crucial for new customers to get to know what you have to offer and discover what makes you special compared to your competitors. By giving the possibility to have a word about your brand, you will be able to collect further details about your customers too. 
  • Create interactive content that would make the decision-making process of the users quicker and better: remember that you may reach some consumers at times of doubts or seeking answers to solve a problem. Q&A sections where you can keep in touch with your clients is a great way to empower your content: when it comes to content dedicated to solving doubts, just remember to try your best to catch the attention of potential new customers as well as helping your current ones.
  • Provide new statistics and sources including external links: show to your audience that you’re on top of the wave and freshly updated to everything related to your brand’s field. 
  • Update and refresh: update your topics and subtopics and provide your content readers with new solutions to old problems. 
  • Measuring your content: measuring content performance regularly will help with subject development and determining whether legacy material is to be updated.

Your website: a great partner in crime for Organic Lead Generation

One of the greatest allies that you can get for organic lead generation is your own website. Take the best out of it and reach and achieve the organic lead avalanche you dream of:

  • Say hello and integrate chatbots. Providing assistance and instant communication to customers when visiting your website will make it more convenient for consumers at the same time that you make it easier for you to collect details from them. 
  • Update, optimise and refresh. Make sure that people find a nailed website when visiting it. From adding some little details regarding the season (summer holidays, sales, xmas, etc) to updating the content and features. Moreover, it would be great if your website can be used for different purposes that will help empower your brand loyalty and the relationship with your customers. The more dynamic your website is, the more visits you will get and more relevance you will gain within your industry.
  • The data request must make sense: keep in mind that you should integrate on your website any feature that makes sense for your customers to provide you with their information such as emails and phone numbers may also be provided, which, in return, would make it easy for you to send newsletters, coupons, and other types of promotional campaigns

Finally, tags, page details, and meta descriptions should all be updated as much as needed.

Leadership is (actually) in your mind

Achieving leadership within your industry is crucial when it comes to organic lead generation. People will be willing to provide you with their personal details if they trust you and if you’re relevant in the market. 

For example, being featured in top publications(or leveraging partnership marketing by contributing a chapter to a book wherein you give professional business advice) generates real authority, increases your audience reach, and builds trust with your prospects.

Ways to boost your leadership:

  • Collaborations: participate and trigger collaborations with other people relevant in your industry.
  • Open debate: become an active listener and open debate about possible challenges and the evolution of the world surrounding your product or service.
  • Social Media: rely on social media platforms to be part of the conversation with consumers. 
  • Great deals and free trials: be happy to offer great deals and free trials to introduce your brand to new customers and build loyalty with the current ones. 

To sum up!

  • In times of uncertainty, we need to go back to the basics to ensure the success of our digital strategy.
  • It's a mistake to think that organic lead generation is a waste of time as it still has a great potential for your brand and is worth considering as a way to build your strategy.
  • Organic lead generation is all about providing your customers and potential customers with that “extra mile” beyond their expectations. 
  • Producing great content, providing a great user experience, building a solid community and having an awesome website will motivate consumers to provide their personal details and be happy to keep in touch with your business.

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