Case Study
The client
Alperia is an all-round energy service provider. It produces energy from renewable sources, manages the electricity grid, is involved in district heating systems, energy sales and electric mobility.
The challenge
RichClicks was hired to bring in quality contacts. The strategy involved creating different types of campaigns to engage users in a different and specific way, depending on the stage of the funnel they were in. The ultimate goal was to enable Alperia to conclude more contracts.
The approach
We created a bespoke strategy, mainly involving Google search, display, video and discovery campaigns. Over time, beta campaign types were implemented to assess the specific contribution, also considering lead quality. The consultancy on social campaigns allowed us to expand the knowledge of the brand, in support of the main strategy. The results achieved were positive and are expected to grow, considering the planned integrations between the ADV platforms and the CRM enterprise in use. The contribution that the agency makes, in general, is linked to accompanying the digitalisation process of a historic and structured company.
+ 623,08%
Conversion Rate
+ 11%
Rate of prospects closing a contract
Lowest CPC registered
Based on data from 9 top industry players with more than double the average monthly investment